are you ready for change. ready to feel more confident and clearheaded with increased energy and deeper sleep

Specific habits are integrated that help the regulation of cortisol and the nervous system. Mindfulness combined with gut health creates mental clarity, less anxiety and a more positive outlook.

Complete body health comes with educating yourself on how food & the correct macros can create a NEW YOU. When you focus on increasing your health, the weight takes care of itself!

Combining biohacking habits that encompass mind, body & spirit is how you nurture your soul. Getting sunlight, in nature, and being grateful are how you elevate to another level!


I work with a limited number of 1:1 clients at a time to ensure that you get the time and attention needed to reach your goals!

I utilize what I call Functional Biohacking, a combination of ancestral living, the right nutrition/macros, and biohacking habits that deliver whole body optimization.

When you cover mind, body, and spirit you are not just on a weight loss journey, you get to upgrade your entire life so you can feel as good as you look!

  • 24/7 Support via text/email/app

  • Downloadable App with Daily Checklist

  • Personalized Training Plan

  • Weekly 30 Min Call

  • Nutritional Guidance with Macros Given

  • Lab Testing (Recommended)
    *Optional & at your cost

  • Personalized Supplement Suggestions

  • Thicker, healthier hair

  • Weight loss

  • Glowing healthier looking skin

  • Increase in energy, no slumps

  • Improved libido

  • Cortisol Regulation

  • Nervous System Regulation

  • Reduced Anxiety

  • Better relationship with family

  • Increased self confidence


  • Elevation in mood, happier overall

  • Better, deeper sleep

  • Clear mind, no more brain fog

  • Health tests improved at Dr.’s

  • Reduction in sickness


Are you an athlete looking to improve your game?

My history as an elite level athlete, coach and sports performance specialist combined with what I know in Biohacking work in your favor here!

During season I will only consult on Biohacks & Weight Lifting. If you are off-season and ready to improve your game, we can include plyometrics, discuss what your needs are and how I can help!

meet coach kelly

BS Exercise Science
- MS Psychology
- Doctoral Student (ABD), Health & Human Performance

NSCA-CPT - Certified Personal Trainer
- CSCS - Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Played Professional & Semi-Pro Soccer
- Won 2 Back to Back College Soccer National Championships
- All-American Goalkeeper
- Athletic Hall of Fame (2013 & 2016)
- Competed in College National Championships - Volleyball & Tennis
- Asst Soccer Coach at Brevard College & Virginia Wesleyan College - both competed at National Tournament


What are you waiting for! Getting your mental and physical health optimized creates a new confident you, able to put up boundaries where and when needed for your highest good.

Click below and set up a free consultation!


Do I need a gym membership?

I typically start with at home workouts that are quick and efficient. Should you work up to, or already be gym-ready, I am a certified personal trainer through the NSCA as well as CSCS (Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist) and can build gym workouts as well!

I had my gallbladder removed, is that a problem?

Nope, I have had clients with gallbladders removed and am well versed there. The food protocol and supplements change a bit to accommodate this, but you can still lose weight and feel great without a gallbladder present!

what if I don’t need weight loss, but don’t feel great?

We can still work together! My methods are towards better health and weight loss just happens to come with that. If weight loss is not needed, the body will simply work towards better health. The health gains my clients see are getting hair back, radiating skin, better energy and gut health!

I’m currently in physical rehab, can I still hire you?

100% YES! I started myself while in rehab and was able to work around it. 80% of weight loss is in the food. There are also biohacking habits that help create fat burning in the body. Food + Biohacking equals weight loss!

Can you work with me if I have a fatty liver?

YES! Keep in mind that it can take up to 3-6 months to fix that fatty liver, but that has to be the first part of your process. You may notice positive changes in your skin and health first before a ton of weight loss as your liver heals itself. The liver is in charge of weight loss, so fixing that comes first!

I have several autoimmune disorders, is this for me?

When it comes to rewinding autoimmune disorders, I can help if you are battling one. However, if you are battling several it might be in your best interest to hire an FDN specialist which means Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. While I want that certification, I don’t have it just yet.